All you need to know about extradition
UK Extradition Lawyer will work tirelessly to ensure that no stone is left unturned to defeat your extradition request. As a highly regarded London-based lawyer, I represent clients on extradition matters in both Westminster Magistrates’ Court and the High Court. Contact me today.
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About extradition
Extradition proceedings are complex, and I encourage anyone who is worried about a possible extradition to contact me.
If you or a family member are currently facing extradition proceedings, please call me, George Hepburne Scott. Extradition on a European arrest warrant is not a formality if you have the right legal representation.
In order to extradite from the UK there are a number of bars or hurdles the prosecution must overcome, together with a range of procedural issues. The bars to extradition include:
Double jeopardy: This means facing proceedings for the same offence twice.
Passage of time: Where so much time has passed since the original offence that it is unfair or oppressive to proceed against a defendant.
Age: Where the defendant would have been under the UK age of criminal responsibility when the original offence took place.
Hostage taking: Whether an earlier extradition has already taken place from another country, consent may be needed before another extradition takes place.
Extraneous issues: This means when the proceedings in the foreign state are actually a cover for an ulterior motive, or where the person will be disadvantaged during the foreign proceedings because of that same ulterior motive; for example, racial or political victimisation.
I can operate through Legal Aid in many cases - in other words, the Government will pay your fees, although you will have to pass the means test for this. I can also accept private instructions and where this is the case I provide extremely competitive fee structures.
Extradition appeals
If a person is ordered to be extradited at the magistrates’ court, that person has a right of appeal to the High Court. In some cases, there may be a right of appeal to the Supreme Court, but permission, or ‘leave to appeal’, is required. I provide unrivalled expertise in extradition proceedings.
Conviction in absenceAlthough putting someone on trial in their absence is fairly unusual in the UK, it happens more in the EU. This means that EAWs are sometimes issued following a person being convicted and sentenced without having been present at their trial. In those cases, the person cannot be extradited unless they will have the right to a retrial in the foreign state.
Compatibility with the Human Rights Act 1998This means that extraditing the person must not breach his or her human rights as laid out in the European Convention on Human Rights. These rights include the right to a fair trial, protection from torture or inhuman treatment, the right to respect for family life etc.
The Dual Criminality TestThe offence for which the person is extradited must be an offence in the UK as well as in the foreign state, unless it is one of a list of 32 specified serious offences which are considered to be crimes in all countries (for example, murder, drug trafficking etc.). If the offence is on that list, the ‘seriousness’ test is increased to a maximum sentence of at least 3 years in prison, (where the person is merely accused), or an actual sentence of at least 12 months in prison, (where the person has been convicted and sentenced).
Appeals against extraditionEither side in an extradition case can appeal the magistrates court decision to the High Court. A final appeal can go to the Supreme Court but only in cases where there is a ‘point of law of general public importance’. This usually means where the legal issue is one that could change the way the law works for other cases in the future.
Extradition Act Part 2 - Extradition Treaty CountriesThere are two additional categories of extradition. The first category includes European countries which aren’t part of the European Arrest Warrant system, (for example Norway and Croatia), and also many non-European countries including Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Russia. These countries do not have to show the strength of the case against the person, but must provide details of the case in the foreign country. The second category includes extradition treaty countries from Africa, Asia, South and Central America, and the Caribbean, here the extradition court has to be satisfied that there is a prima facie case (i.e. on the face of it an obvious case to answer). Extradition cases involving this category of country, (which includes, Thailand, Jamaica, Morocco, Egypt, India, Pakistan), can be defeated on the strength of the evidence. The UK court must be persuaded that the case against the defendant has some real basis before extraditing. Each requires the agreement of both the court and the UK’s Home Secretary. For both categories the details of the offence and identity of the person must be proved. Bars to extradition apply, including the rule against double jeopardy, and extraneous issues, Human rights issues, and the ‘dual criminality test’. Any of these may also prevent extradition. If the court has authorised extradition, in cases where there is no European Arrest Warrant, the Home Secretary must consider whether to allow extradition. He must consider whether the death penalty may apply, and if so, must refuse extradition unless the country gives reassurances that the death penalty will not be used. The Home Secretary will also refuse extradition unless he is sure that there are rules in the foreign country to stop the person from being tried for any offences which weren’t included within the extradition request.
Bail in extradition proceedings
There is a presumption in favour of bail in extradition proceedings where there has not yet been a conviction in the foreign country. The foreign country (usually represented by the CPS), will often try to prevent this, by making objections in court on the basis of the likelihood that the person will not attend. Because there is often an accusation that the person has ‘escaped justice’ in the original country, this may be quite persuasive to a judge. Because of this, evidence of ties to the UK and their family life here can be particularly important. The court may often require a cash security before granting bail.
In cases where the person has already been convicted in the foreign state, bail may be more difficult to obtain.
If you need more information about extradition, contact UK Extradition Lawyer in London today. I am a leading extradition lawyer.
020 3597 7595